Edited Glass Bird Casting copy.jpg

I have always been fascinated by the beautiful. When I look at a beautiful object or a beautiful piece of nature I see a hidden language of order. I make glass art to try to capture that sense of the divine organization. Glass has the unique qualities of capturing light, form and motion that other materials lack. Glass has the property of being man made and natural at the same time.


What inspires me is a mystery revolving around the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence being 1, ,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...When people look at any given object or animal there is a inherit sense of it's proportions, a hidden language inscribed into all things that informs us of it's nature. This golden ratio can be easily seen in the spiral of a seashell or the organization of a pine cone. We can see all shells and plants have a similar structure and proportions, but more importantly curves. I find this mystery intriguing and I have this in mind when I begin to cut a piece of glass.


I begin with a very thick blank of glass and begin to cut away and remove material using diamond wheels. The process of removing material and carving is what I find most satisfying. I'm trying to expose something interesting and as simple as possible. My hands connecting with the material and my love and care is what is most important to me. I want to make something that is truly hand made with intention and thoughtfulness. I want a viewer of a object I make to see the care and love that was put into the glass.